Sam Adler
I have this thing with color. In college I majored in fashion, but after working as a fabric color coordinator in NYC, I missed creating more with my hands. I then enrolled in recreational pastry classes which made me realize I could combine my love for color with food!
I loved it so much that in 2012 I graduated from Le Cordon Bleu's Baking and Pastry Arts Program. I started a website sharing recipes and photos which quickly turned into a full blown professional food photography career.
In my photos, I always think of color first. The way colors can tell specific stories or make a person feel is fascinating to me. You can "hate" a certain color but then pair it with one you love and voila! It's almost like magic. The opportunity for creativity is great and that's what keeps me here.
Clients Include
FOX Entertainment, Winn-Dixie, Cuisinart, Florida Crystals, Mr. Clean, Athens Foods, Wilton, Bake From Scratch Magazine, The American Egg Board, WUSTHOF,, ALDI & others.
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