Join Scott and Donna as they talk about and demonstrate the art of photographing food and products. Take the opportunity to get some hands-on education (done virtually, keep reading to see what you'll need) photographing alongside Scott.
10:00 a.m. Introduction, sharing of recent projects:
10:30 a.m. Hard Lighting: The New / Old Trend
12:00 p.m. Break for Lunch 1 hour
1:00 p.m. Shooting Demo and creative interaction - sharing the how and why of Styling a Hard Light Photo: We will set up and share the process from beginning to end.
3:00 p.m. End of workshop
If folks want to shoot along with the demo (optional), they will need the following things set up for the shoot:
Camera and compact flash card (Film!)
Computer and Tether would be nice
Studio Strobes or if we are lucky a window with sunlight streaming in, or off camera flashes
Table Top for setting up;
White backdrop- some kind of swept, foamcore, sheet etc...that is white (we can explore other colors as well but let's start with white)
Items to photograph- we suggest glass vases (color or clear), Wine Glasses (with wine if you are feeling it), Clear Bottles or some kind of "Product" - We think something colorful and simple would work best, like fruits/veggies or a bottle of Scotch
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